Technology has many different effects on education, Teacher and students can work more practically and interactevely, in the case of teachers, they can be able to present th
eir classes by using multimedia equipments such as computers, internet, and also they can keep in touch with their students by e-mail and other sources, morever, students are the ones who can have more benefits with the integration of technology in class. students can find any can of information in internet, there is a variety of information in which people can have unlimited access. Aslo they can perform expostions, projects simply by using power point rather than bring printed the information. Furthermore, methods of instruction must change in order to keep up with the ever-changing world and we, as teachers must cease the technological movement. When technology and appropriate teaching methods are combined, technology may increase the academic achievement. There are many factors and activities that can help teachers develop an attitude that is intrepid in the
use of technology, encourages them to take risks, and inspires them to involve technology in the classroom environment. Without no doubt, technology stimulates and develops many skills in students specially when they arelearning a second language. Nowaday there are many good softwares that help students learn meaningfully and effectively, besides that, there are many students who have different necessities and disabilities when leanring a language, even though, these problems are no longer a limitation thanks to technology.

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