Colegio Experimental Bilingue de Siquirres perfomed this year the Arts Festival. This is the first time that this event takes place in the institution with a great participation of students, teachers and administrative staff as well. One of the purposes of the Arts Festival was to promote the students the opportunity to demostrate their abilities in different areas such as acting, drawing and singing. One importat aspect to consider withing these activities was the message that students wanted to express. Some students from different levels perform a nice role-play related to deforestation and the important of nature in our lives. It seemed to be enjoyed by the rest of the students and the judges who also were part of this event.

Billy was one of the participants who demonstrated his ability with a great picture that according to him represents many things related to life. Billy is a student who likes to participate in these kinds of events and he is always willing to perform a good job.
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