miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Effects of Smoking

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    The smoking is a problem very dangerouns for all the people and have many impact that we can identify in a new smoker whith a series the concequences of short term. Smoking produce cigarette breath and bad breath also produce a excess of spit that causes frequenty spit that is a ugly habit in the people. Also the hands,fingers and nails have a yellow color because the accumulation of toxin in the skin.The voise change the smoking affect to the vocal cords the first symtom is hoarseness and coung. Also the person loses his good physical condition for example the sports is many difficult because the smoking affect the respiration and the heart. Lose the sence of tante, the person lose the appetite and produce dgestive problems.In the women produce cellulite for poor circulation for the blood for effect the smoking. In conclution the smoking destroys all the person that consume but also destroys the life the person that surrounding of the smoker and have many bad situation of the family life.

    The effect the smoking to long term are much more dangerouns for the people because destroys of the body is very bigger. the smoking produce many destroys of the lungs whith chronic coung and fatigue. Also destroys the teeth, the mouth is a of the part most affect of the smoking and more evident in the body. The hair loss and destroys of the sking appears dandruff, acne and wrincled skin and yellow. Destroys the sexual activity is most frequently in smoker, women and men. The smoking is a causes most frequently of the death in the world because produce the diseases most dangerounsof the world. Diseases of the heart, the smoking produce a bad circulation of thbe blood to long heart. Also produce cancer that is a mortal diseases, have many types of cancer also produce diseases the brain and paralysis in differents the brain and the body. The smoking destroys the life of the people and in long term is impossible save yours life.

  4. The consequences of smoking

    Gerson Juarez Espinoza

    the consequences of smoking are many, but the most important cancer
    knowing that people still smoke is harmful and that is why people die. the unconscious of themselves as there are some addicts smoking stains your teeth and rots, a council may be to stop smoking gradually but cost them.
    the smoked were a major cause of death at the time you are getting can die from overdose.
    so it is best not to smoke and stay healthy

    Effect of smoking

    Gerson Juarez Espinoza

    effect of smoking is cancer and other side effect is global warming and some do not have the bounce desencia of packets of cigarettes in the garbage.
    as I say smoking is harmful to everyone, even for those who do not consume, but the smoke harms when Inal. This effect is very dangerous but can be fixed but until people take Conscience and quit and throw away the packets which is in the trash, and to throw their garbage in the soil increases global warming and also smoke.
    so the best solution is to stop smoking and live healthy life and not die of lung cancer.

  5. *+*+*Erika Campos Molina*+*+*

    (1)The smoking have illness more dangerous for the health... some illness are: cancer,asma and others problems in the respiratory system.
    the people that smoke have a posibility of illnesses in the life. the cigarrette is the principal enemy of the lungs because have components that affect to persons, the cigarrette have componets more dangerus and the principal are the nicotine,methanol,acetone,carbon monoxide and the arcenic somo are bad for our organism.In conclusion the somoking is the principal problem of addiction in adults and youngs but with the treatmens and the family, friends and social supporting to live healting and happy without drugs with the tabaco.

    (2)The smoking have consequenses for our world,the people that smoking hurt the nature and her health,the consequence more usually is the air pollution and the garbaje of the cigarrette in the houses and in the nature, also, the smoke is bad for the breathing of the children, youngs and adults,the inspiration of the somoke es bad for the lungs and all in the organism is contaminate because the components of the cigarrette. However the person that smoking have changes for example the yellow tooths and the bad breath.
    Finally I said that smoking are bad for the health and the nature in all the world.

    END :-)

  6. Pamela Contreras Hernandez
    Effec Smoking

    Smokin is a dangerous for health.Produce a lot of illness for our body.Some illness are:
    Lung Cancer:Pruduct of very years of smoking,the make enter in the lung causing obstruction.
    Throat Cancer:The smoke raisin for the throat causin bad breath,make spots in the teeth.
    Adiction:Smoking it is indispensable and necessary to do for those who has the vicio
    However also cause other problem like a dry out skin,to cars.so smoking is damaging for ours horganims and for people around us.

    Pevention teen smoking

    Smokin can prevention of many ways.The people can do a lot activities in the school, high school and university.Can make campaing with information of the consecuenses of smoking, give talk about effect of smoke.Other activities are make exercise,practice a sport.Smoking is a problem of all not is a personal problem.

  7. ♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥
    ♥ The Effects of Smoking....! ♥

    ◘* Dalma Acevedo Chavez*◘
    ◘* 9-B *◘

    The effects of smoking are produced by many different components in the cigarette. The principal toxic substance for the people is the nicotine this substance is responsible for causing addiction to the cigarette. The Alquitran is substance that carry the nicotine and other sustance to the lungs. The Carbon Monoxide is a component that provokes an illness of the heart. The Radon and Bezenio are sustances that produce cancer in the people. Finally, the cigarette contains substances that damage the people health.
    The smoking has many bad consequences and illnesses for the health of the people around for the world. Some of the most important illnesses are cancer. When people smoke they have more probabilities of having cancer of mouth, through, stomach and lungs. Another consequence of the smoking is the change of the color in the teeth and the fingers, the smell in the clothe is terrible. So, the illnesses that are provoked by the effect of smoking that damage to millions of the people in the world and can cause death.

  8. Every year hundreds of thousands of people around the world die from diseases caused by smoking cigarettes. The mixture of nicotine and carbon monoxide in each cigarette you smoke temporarily increases your heart rate and blood pressure, straining your heart and blood vessels. Carbon monoxide robs your muscles, brain and body tissue of oxygen, making your whole body and especially your heart work harder. Over time, your airways swell up and let less air into your lungs. So, the smoking can causes many bad things for your organism and in your life.

  9. Smoking causes disease and is a slow way to die. The strain of smoking effects on the body often causes years of suffering. Emphysema is an illness that slowly rots your lungs. People with emphysema often get bronchitis again and again, and suffer lung and heart failure. Can cause heart attacks and stroke. It slows your blood flow, cutting off oxygen to your feet and hands. Some smokers end up having their limbs amputated. People that smoke can have many bad consequences in your life that are going to destroy all your plans.
